Here’s some more photos.

Is there anything nicer to look at this time of year than bluebells? I always seem to miss the season, though this year I got it right on time, hence this picture. It was taken at a National Trust place that we visited for the first time – can’t remember the name though I’m sure I’ll have a cloth badge.
H and Shaun (and my sister and her family) did the Marsden March yesterday. We’re getting an awful lot of sponsorship money which is great. Amazingly, my child wasn’t grumpy afterwards (other than when I sent her to get chips for my friend because I’d have dropped them), and it was Shaun who had the blister. When they completed the walk they got a medal and I have serious medal envy – I’ve never seen wooden ones before. How cool?
If you know me, you know I’m a bit Eurovision obsessed. Had my head not chosen to be cancerous I’d have gone to Liverpool this past weekend. Instead, I’m content with some DaĆ°i Freyr coffee which has a good taste – also helped by me being able to fill it with the aluminium pod I bought aaaages ago for our coffee machine.

The teen. She used to devour books, often reading several at once. Then secondary school happened and books, reading while still being something she liked, wasn’t as much fun as it used to be. But I know her love of books is still there – she’s straight to the Young Teens section in Waterstones and refuses to tell me anything she likes (so I have to guess, she doesn’t read it, and it eventually gets given away). So I’ve learned to hover and not ask too many awkward questions. I remember being thirteen. I needed my privacy. I’ll try and respect H’s.