H had her seventh birthday party in October. It was a Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts party so Faik from Wild Fangs came to our house with five of his reptiles.

Faik from Wild Fangs
Wild Fangs is a business based in North London. When I emailed to make the booking Faik was quick to reply, and let us know what availability he had. He wasn’t able to do the date we already had booked, so we brought the party forward a week.
Booking with Faik was easy. His website has loads of information, including which reptiles he has. Because of the Harry Potter theme we wanted to try and have as many which might cross over into the stories. We paid a deposit to confirm the booking, with the balance due on the day. Once we had paid the deposit he emailed us over an invoice to confirm the booking.
We were in contact when necessary which was reassuring. 24 hours beforehand Wild Fangs confirmed which animals would be coming along.
We had five reptiles in total, and they complemented the party theme well.

Tiny the African Bull Frog with Wild Fangs
Tiny the African Bull Frog

A blurry Sebastian the Corn Snake from Wild Fangs
Sebastian the Corn Snake

Gizmo the Ferret’s Obstacle Course with Wild Fangs
Gizmo the Ferret

Faik from Wild Fang introducing the kids to Derek the Bearded Dragon
Derek the Bearded Dragon

Milo the Giant Millipede from Wild Fangs
Milo the Giant Millipede
We had the party in our front room which we cleared out pretty well, so there was plenty of space. Fitting 17 children in our room (plus adults) worked. Faik was great at getting the kids to be quiet when he needed them to listen.

Stroking Tiny the African Bullfrog with Wild Fangs
Faik told us all about each creature and took questions from the kids – and no question was too silly. Yes, we got the ‘does he poo?’ one early on. That’s the thing – a good reptile handler is ready to answer all kinds of questions. The children all felt quite involved.

Meeting Derek the Bearded Dragon with Wild Fangs
As H was the party girl she got to touch all the animals. Most of the other children got a chance too if they wanted to. They were all told how to sit if they weren’t sure, and that it was okay if they changed their minds. By the end of the party we had an obstacle course set up in our front room for Gizmo the ferret!
H enjoyed feeding Derek the Bearded Dragon. Her friends also got to have a go.

H feeding Derek the Bearded Dragon with Wild Fangs
Afterwards one of H’s friends sent a thank you letter. We’ve never had a thank you letter for being invited to a party! I need to take a photo and send it on to Faik, a letter like that shows the child had a brilliant time.
I would definitely recommend Wild Fangs for reptile parties. H had a brilliant time as did her friends.