Project 365 – Week 36

Sunday 30th August. Put on my Seasalt socks I bought in Cornwall. Felt happier for it. You can’t beat fresh socks and good patterns. We went to Decathlon and bought H a new bike for her birthday.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Monday 31st August. Went to the Carshalton Environmental Fair – and it was rainy. Wellies on, we were fine. They had a coconut shy – H had a couple of goes and won a coconut – she even managed to hit the coconuts a few times which was good to see – her hand-eye coordination is good!

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Tuesday 1st September. I realise this probably looks ridiculous. This is PeePee Boy. He is a device from China for checking when your water is warm enough for tea. You soak him in cold water for ten minutes, boil your water and pop PeePee Boy in there. If it’s just right then yep, you guessed it, he does a pee. Shaun’s sister (who lives in Viet Nam but lived in China) sent us a package over!

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Wednesday 2nd September. At 11pm I was hastily stamping up H’s school things with my Stamptastic stamp kit for the following morning – I cannot go on enough about how brilliant they are – this is our third year using the stamp pad and it’s still going strong.

A photo posted by Jo Brooks (@mumfriendlyjo) on

Thursday 3rd September. Back to school – so here’s the obligatory Year 2 picture. Shaun took this in the morning, I took my usual gate picture and compared them against previous first days – she’s grown an entire head!!

Year 2

Friday 4th September. We had a lazy movie day after school today – watching Grease for the first time. My daughter being the reader she is, found the lyrics to the songs just as Greased Lightning was on. It was swiftly confiscated… the original photo didn’t take, annoyingly.

Saturday 5th September. Birthday Party prep – as in, making frozen icing Lego bricks for H’s birthday cake. Shaun takes all birthday cake responsibilities very seriously, and after browsing the internet found the cake he wanted to make. All H wanted was a Lego cake, and somehow I had the foresight to buy moulds – so we had dairy free chocolate moulds of Lego men, and icing Lego bricks – which only work if you freeze them.

Frozen Lego Icing from a Lego Mould

So instead, have two pictures for today. Dairy Free Chocolate Lego Men

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