My Naughty Little Sister Audiobooks from AudioGO

We’ve reviewed a Magic Roundabout audiobook from AudioGO a few months ago, one which Shaun and I loved, but H fell asleep. Since then we haven’t done any long journeys in the car until yesterday when we introduced the ‘My Naughty Little Sister’ books into her world. I’d completely forgotten about these books – and it was only from chatting to the manager of the band Stornoway (who reads them to his four-year old) I realised these audiobooks existed – and even better AudioGO have them!

My Naughty Little Sister and Bad Harry

They’re of an era, these books – and utterly brilliant! These days the word ‘naughty’ is starting to get edited out of H’s life, with words like ‘pickle’ and so on being used (mainly due to nursery and their rules), so introducing ‘Naughty’ this way felt quite nice. Let’s face it, had these books been written recently, My Naughty Little Sister’s misdemeanours wouldn’t have the kind of innocence they do, I’m sure.

Each book is around ten minutes long, read by Jan Francis who does some great voices. H was asking for more – it was the first time in the car she demanded another story, and from my passenger seat I could see her giggling away at My Naughty Little Sister and Bad Harry’s adventures. While I know these won’t replace physical books, she’s enjoying new, longer stories coming into her life (and I’m enjoying someone else reading them so I can drift off in the car).

At £1.99 for the audiobooks you get a lot of stories; we switched to the Camberwick Green album (the story about the postman having an adventure) and H fell asleep (whereas I sung along to the songs, memories flooding back, words returning to me possibly helped by Half Man Half Biscuit). Now I have a cunning plan – when we want her to stay awake Dorothy Edwards’ wonderful stories will be played, and when we think she needs a nap Brian Cant will soothe her! Next stop, Pingu!

More Naughty Little Sister Stories Audiobook


We were provided with free downloads for the purpose of review, all opinions are our own.